Web Cams

Webcams are now live!  You can now see if the courts are busy or if it is raining before leaving home! 

Web Camera 1:  camera 1 looking toward main car park  click to launch the reolink webpage then enter user name: "gmltc cam1" (note the space) and  password: gmltc2021!  (select balanced view)

Web camera 2:   camera 2 looking toward the middle clay courts      click to launch reolink webpage then enter user name: "gmltc cam2" (note the space) and password: gmltc2021!   (select balanced view)

The recording function of camera 2 has been disbled. Camera 1 has a record function,motion triggered during certain hours, to help with crime detection in the car park.   No recording of your laptop / pc screen is allowed while viewing the courts. 

NOTE:  the above seems to work fine with laptops and PC's but we cannot get it to work via a mobile phone from the club wesbite as above.  If you want to view the webcams with your smart phone then download the Reolink app from here for iphones


... or here for android phones 


Once you have downloaded and opened the Reolink app you may be able to automatically add the 2 cameras if you are on the club's wifi in / near the clubhouse. 

To manually add the cameras to the app you will need to tap the + symbol at the top right of the app home page then click on "Input UID/IP". Then enter the following UID's:   (be v careful with the 0 (zero) and O ("Oh")!) 

Camera one,  pointing toward main car park: 95270001OM7UP1Z0

Camera two: pointing toward the middle clays: 95270001OM7VTQ5O

For each camera,  on the next page, replace the "admin" user name with the camera username as above and enter the password as above. You should now be able to see the courts! 

No recording of your mobile screen is allowed while using the app.  


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Details of Data Controller are

Name: Rob McKendrick

Email: robmckendrick@me.com